Unified inbox through Digitelia's channel manager

Activating the Digitelia Channel Manager offers significant benefits and improvements in managing bookings and communication.




1. Instant Calendar Sync: With the Channel Manager, available dates and bookings are instantly synchronized across all channels, such as booking.com and airbnb.com. This ensures the avoidance of double bookings and incorrect information.

2. Automatic Booking Import: All bookings are automatically imported into Digitelia's system, saving time and reducing the risk of errors from manual entry..

3. Unified Inbox: The Unified Inbox allows the consolidation of all messages from various platforms into one messaging center within Digitelia. This means you can manage and respond to all messages from booking.com and airbnb.com from one place, facilitating communication and organization.

The functionality of the Unified Inbox is especially useful as it reduces the need to switch between different platforms and helps maintain a cohesive and organized way of communicating with customers.

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